Wraparound Care
Our Breakfast Club is available to all our Year Groups at a cost of £3.00 per child, per day.
The aim of our Breakfast Club is to support working parents by providing early morning childcare from 7.30am to 8.30am, Monday to Friday, as well as offering our children the opportunity to have a healthy breakfast at the start of the school day in a safe and friendly environment.
Children are served a breakfast of various cereals and toast (with a variety of toppings). We are very aware of any special dietary requirements that children may have and food is provided in line with any specific allergies that are identified to us eg. soya milk, gluten free cereals/breads etc.
Breakfast Club is also an opportunity for the children to enjoy activities before school that will also assist with their learning e.g. doing homework, reading, drawing, watching educational programmes, playing board games.
Our After School Club is also available to all our Year groups at a cost of £8.00 per child, per day.
After school runs from the end of school until 5.15pm and is, again, an opportunity to support our working families who need that extra childcare at the end of the day.
Children are provided with a healthy, light snack (and again, this is in keeping with any dietary requirements).
Children have the opportunity to enjoy some relaxation time after school which includes crafting, sports activities, reading etc. This is very much child led, and we are happy to listen to the ideas/suggestions of our children.
Collection times must be strictly adhered to and late pick-ups are subject to additional charges.
Please contact the school office on tel: 01530 832656 or email: office@new-swann.leics.sch.uk for further details or for information about how to book.