Our school dinners are freshly cooked in our kitchens on a daily basis. The current dinner menu is available to view below.
School dinners are currently free to all children in KS1 (Years EYFS, 1 and 2) and are charged at £2.35 (per day) for children in KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6). Children are also welcome to bring their own packed lunch, however, we do encourage healthy lunch boxes.
We are a nut free school. If an individual has a nut allergy it is not just eating nuts that can cause a severe reaction, simply being touched on the skin or smelling the breath of someone who has had nuts or a product containing nuts could potentially be dangerous for our children.
Therefore, please can we ask that you carefully consider the items that you include in packed lunches eg. peanut butter sandwiches, chocolate spreads, cereal bars, some granola bars and cakes and biscuits all/can contain nuts.
We do ask that only fruit is provided as a snack for all children. Fruit is provided by school for children in KS1 so you may choose not to send in an additional snack. If you would like your child in KS2 to have a snack at morning break, please provide fruit.
If you think that your child may be eligible for Free School Meals, please follow the link to apply:
If your child has any special dietary requirements these will of course be catered for. Please follow the link to access details regarding our School Food provision (including allergies and special diets): School Food | Leicestershire County Council.
Booking dinners through School Gateway
Please copy and paste the following link to your browser to find details of how to book your child's school dinner.