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I am Mrs Palumbo and I lead Geography which I thoroughly enjoy!

In school, we work hard to inspire our children’s curiosity about our country and the wider world in which we live. Seeing children’s excitement and enthusiasm as they explore and discover new places, navigate themselves around using maps and compare the similarities and differences of the places they find is what makes this subject so fascinating and exciting.

Our favourite part about being geographers is putting on our boots and coats and getting outside to explore our local area with ‘hands on’ field work!

Year 4 visited the Leisure Centre to look at the new Sports Centre that is being built there.  They also discussed the facilities that this will provide to the local area.

Please feel free to contact me via the school office if you have any questions about the teaching of Geography or would like any further support.

Meet Our Geography Ambassadors 




Please feel free to contact me via the school office if you have any questions about the teaching of Geography or would like any further support.