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WWII Evacuees at New Swannington Church Hall

WWII Day for Year 6 'Evacuees'

Our Year 6 children have been enjoying their classroom project all about WWII, so much so we turned our school into the Church Hall so that our evacuees could come and sleep over for the night.  

Prior to that, the children had enjoyed a day of dressing up in 1940s costume and had experienced a taste of what life was like during WWII when our visitor from Portals from the Past came in to share artefacts and stories.  

The day was not over though because we all came back at the end of the day to enjoy marshmallows over the camp fire, drill training, a wonderful performance from The MAS Swing Band, a cinema viewing of Goodnight Mr Tom ending with hot chocolate and biscuits before bed.  Great fun for everyone (even though little sleep was had!).