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Data Protection

On 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect across the EU. It is a new law that was implemented in exactly the same way across all EU countries to create a level set of rules to ensure all data held and processed by organisations within the EU is secure and processed lawfully.

All schools are required to comply with GDPR.  As you are aware, we hold personal data on pupils, parents, staff and governors, amongst others.  We value and protect all of our pupil, parent, staff and volunteer data.

Please find below, copies of our Data Protection policy and key Privacy Notices.   These notices detail what data we collect, the reasons why we collect it and how we use and store it.  

For more information please visit

If you have any queries on GDPR, please contact:  Mrs Judy Ramsell (Headteacher), in the first instance, or Mr Simon Wilkins (Data Protection Officer) via the school office.