Welcome to Year 1
Mrs Mitchell
Hello! I’m Mrs Mitchell and teach in Year 1 on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I am in school all week but on a Monday and Tuesday focus on my work as the school SENDCo.
Mrs Palumbo
Hello! I'm Mrs Palumbo and I teach in Year 1 on a Monday and Tuesday. I am in school all week and on the days I
am not in Year 1 I am working alongside Mrs Ramsell, as I am also the Deputy Headteacher.
Learning Support Assistant
Miss Fessey
In Year 1, we deliver learning that builds on EYFS practice to secure the key skills needed for later learning. It is an important and a very exciting time in a child's learning journey. We inspire them with learning experiences linked to books, stories and selected topics which encourage making links between learning as they enjoy all the aspects of a creative curriculum. Our timetable is set out so that children have time to work within groups as well as independently completing challenges. Throughout the day, the children also have the opportunity to explore and enjoy learning in the outdoors.
In Year 1 children continue to develop their phonics becoming more independent and fluent readers. Towards the end of Year 1 all children will take the national phonics screen. You can find out more about this on the curriculum page in Phonics and Reading.
Our P.E days are Monday and Friday and we visit the school library every Wednesday.
Please feel free to contact us via the school office if you have any questions or would like any further support.
Please see below for the class curriculum sheet.