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Religious Education


Religious Education Lead - Mrs Purdy

I’m Mrs Purdy and I have the pleasure of leading the RE curriculum at New Swannington.

The RE curriculum is determined locally and as we are a Leicestershire school, we follow the Leicestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE. We are well supported by the Diocese of Leicester and NATRE (National Association of Teachers of Religious Education) to deliver the best RE education for our children.

‘The principle aim of religious education at New Swannington is to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live. We ensure that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief. We enable them to have confidence to reflect their own ideas and ways of living. ‘

At New Swannington, we will give pupils the opportunity to learn about a range of religious and non-religious world views. We take care to ensure that the information or knowledge included within our curriculum is conveyed in a pluralistic manner and equal respect is given to different religious convictions and non-religious beliefs. 

Our clear teaching and learning approach ensures that our pupils:-

Make Sense – Make sense of the religious and non-religious world views studied.

Understand the Impact – Understand the impact of these beliefs on people’s lives.

Make Connections – Make connections in their own learning and with their wider experience of the world.

In lessons children are given the opportunity to develop their learning about religious and non-religious world views in a range of ways. They are encouraged to become active participants in their own RE education; listening to the views of others and responding appropriately. They will regularly have opportunities to consider their own views and beliefs and communicate these respectfully to others.

What’s New?

The agreed syllabus is reviewed every 5 years and we are excited to be rolling out the new syllabus from September 2022. In the new syllabus there is an increased emphasis on helping pupils to develop a coherent understanding of several religions, introducing them gradually one at a time. The pupils will also be given the opportunity to study themes and compare and contrast the beliefs of different religions within these themes.

At the end of Year 6 the children will have studied and have a secure understanding of a range of religions and non-religious world views and have confidence to respectfully express their own views.

Please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office, if you have any questions with regard to the RE curriculum at New Swannington.

Meet Our Religious Education Ambassadors 



Hi, I’m Archie and I am the RE ambassador. I like all the things we do in RE. We get to learn about every religion so that we understand different beliefs.

Hello, my name is Darcey and I am an RE ambassador at New Swannington. I like RE because it is very interesting when you learn about all the different religions. I am excited to help in RE assemblies with Archie and the teachers.